Religious Education

Bible Study

We utilize the "Lectio Divina" group discussion method, which is about reading, reflecting, and sharing our thoughts about the scriptures. The faith sharing that takes place allows us to bring about a deeper understanding of God's word and His love for us. Morning and evening sessions are offered.      

Catholic Day School

Grade school-aged children from Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish can attend  Incarnate Word Academy in Parma. They can attend this school and remain registered and active parishioners of Mary Queen of the Apostles.

Discovering Christ (ChristLife series)

Where can people go who are searching for answers to the meaning life? Discovering Christ presents the basics of the Good News in seven weekly sessions, plus a retreat day. Each session includes four components: Dinner; welcoming and prayer; teaching; and small group discussion. We examine the evidence of Christianity, discuss unanswered questions, and invite participants to know Jesus Christ in a person relationship. There is no cost to attend, but registration is requested. Discovering Christ is one of three courses that comprise the ChristLife evangelization series. For those who complete Discovering Christ and desire to learn more about their new or renewed relationship with the Lord Jesus, we offer Following Christ and Sharing Christ in the winter and spring months.

PSR (Parish School of Religion)

PSR  provides formal religious instruction for the children of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish who do not attend Catholic day school. The PSR program of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish reflects the belief that parents/guardians are the first and formost important religious educators of their children. The PSR program provided preparation for the sacraments of First Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact person: Trish Solon 216.433.1440 x21

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

The RCIA program is for people who wish to inquire about the Catholic Faith and may be interested in joining the Catholic Church. It is also for those already baptized who had not yet celebrated the sacraments of Eucharist  and Confirmation and are seeking to complete their initiation into the faith. The program begins in September and continues weekly through a portion of the Easter Season. Full Reception in the Catholic Church will be celebrated on Holy Saturday. 

RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children)

The RCIC program is for Children who have not received the Sacrament of Baptism, or have been baptized into the Catholic Church or a Christian denomination, but have not received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at the usual age. The RCIC process begins in September and the children usually receive the sacraments in the spring provided they have fulfilled the required preparation. The RCIC process comes to a conclusion in May for the children, but their faith journey goes on for a lifetime. Contact person: Trish Solon 216.433.1440 x21

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry is for junior high and high school teens. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month, 12:30-2PM in the Ministry Wing. Activities offered include spiritual, service-oriented and social opportunities for our young people.