Procedures for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion


Before Mass

  • Arrive 15 minutes early; sign-in in Sacristy to determine your assigned location for Mass. 
  • Dress appropriately at all times, even on the days for which you are not scheduled.  (See Clothing Guidelines.)

During Mass

  • Remember to prayerfully participate in song and prayer during Mass.
  • During the Sign of Peace, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM) are to proceed to the credence table to clean hands with Purex (side of the Sanctuary by Blessed Virgin Mary [BVM]) and line up behind the servers.     
  • The line-up for Ministers is as follows:

            1. St. Joseph Cup        

            2. St. Joseph Host       

            3. Center Aisle Host (or Deacon)

            4. Bl. Virgin Mary Host                      

            5. Bl. Virgin Mary Cup

Be prepared to enter the Sanctuary in this order.

  • After the priest (and deacon if present) consumes Communion under both species (Body and Precious Blood), 1 St. Joseph Cup leads the group into the Sanctuary.
  • EMs 1, 2 & 3 should move to St. Joseph side of the Tabernacle; EMs 4 & 5 will move to the Bl. Virgin Mary side of the Tabernacle.  Remember, 1 St. Joseph and 5 Bl. Virgin      Mary Cup Ministers’ positions are on the two ends in Sanctuary line-up.
  • The celebrant will distribute the Host to all ministers. Each Minister of the Cup is then to fully open his or her purificator.  Next, the celebrant will distribute the Precious Blood to each Cup Minister. Then the Cup Minister will distribute Precious Blood to ministers nearest him or her in Sanctuary. Servers receive last. Note: When communicant returns Cup, wipe inside and outside of Cup, turning slightly after each communicant. 
  • Once celebrant moves out of Sanctuary, the EMs should move to their assigned stations.
  • Side Host EMs, after people in side sections have received: BVM Host Minister goes to front pew by the laminated marker and distribute to people coming up center aisle; St. Joseph Host Minister goes to last pew, if directed by usher, and then returns to front pew by the laminated marker to distribute to people coming up center aisle. St. Joseph Host Minister does not distribute in the Cry Room.
  • After Communion, Ministers of the Cup are to go to the credence table to consume any remaining Precious Blood, but offer the Precious Blood to another Eucharistic Minister, not yourself.  After consuming, leave the purificator at the credence table and take the empty Cup to the Altar, placing it on the side corporal.  Return to pew. 
  • After Communion, Ministers of the Host are to bring any remaining Hosts to the Altar, place the ciborium on the Altar and then step aside behind the ambo (pulpit) while waiting for the vessels to be purified by the priest or deacon.  After purification, return the Cups to the credence table and the ciboria to the shelf (may have to make multiple trips); carry only 1 vessel per hand.  After all vessels are cleared from the Altar, return to pew. Youth Server will remove priest’s Chalice.

After Mass

  • Sacred Vessels
    • Ministers are not to enter Sanctuary until after final verse of closing hymn
    • Ensure all sacred vessels are returned to Sacristy after 5:30PM and 11:00AM. After 4PM & 9:00AM, ciboria remain on shelf; People’s Cups returned to Sacristy for washing.
    • Use specific washing linens found in drawer beneath left end of sink.  Please DO NOT use hand towel on bar or any other towels, and do not use paper towels.
    • People’s Cups can be washed with soap and water (use soap sparingly) on left side of sink only.
    • After 5:30PM and 11:00AM, place lids on each ciborium and place in cabinet.  Place priest’s Chalice and People’s Cups in the safe.
  • Linens
    • Reuse the corporals; shake in Sacrarium (right side of sink) after Mass.  Use one set per weekend except for a spill.
    • Purificators used by Priest and EMs for Communion should be changed after every Mass;  place used purificators in dirty laundry bin on bottom right side of large cabinet.
  • Note:  Always carry the sacred vessels with reverence and walk silently.  They have held the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior.  Carry only one item in each hand and ensure that they are carried upright; use both hands to carry priest’s Chalice.