Liturgical Ministers - Clothing Guidelines


All Liturgical Ministers:


Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to start of Mass; this will give you time for your personal prayer before Mass.

In front by Sanctuary, always bow when passing before altar.

Dress appropriately at all times, in case you are asked to help at a Mass for which you are not assigned.

Fully participate during the celebration of Mass


Appropriate attire/Dress code

Always ask, “Is my attire suitable for one who is …

- proclaiming God’s Word  

- distributing the Body/Blood of my Lord

- greeting/meeting                   

- leading those present in song

- being before the worshipping community?”


Shoes – to be clean, not muddy; no sandal like flip-flops or tennis shoes

No jeans, shorts or capris

No T-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, sheer blouses or midriff tops

Shirts to be buttoned and tucked in

Shoulders to be covered



The clothing we wear to Mass is the first form of non-verbal communication between those attending Mass and us.  What we wear and how we wear it tells others about our perceptions of God, of ourselves and of them.  Our choice of clothing makes a statement about our self-image, taste and values. 

Whether we realize it or not, those seated in the pews view us as being liturgical ministers of the Catholic Church, not only of the parish (YOU ARE NOT “JUST A VOLUNTEER”). 

We require all of our liturgical ministers to dress in a modest fashion with good taste.  As a liturgical minister, this is a time to show respect, reverence and honor to God, to others and to us, and not a time to make a fashion statement by wearing excessive jewelry, inappropriate footwear, high-cut hemlines or low-cut necklines, or open, unbuttoned shirts. 


Suggested Proper Dress for Mass (Two-layered look)

Men:           Shirt & tie and Sport Coat or Sweater or Suit Coat

Women:     Blouse/Shirt/Turtle Neck and Blazer or Sweater or Suit Jacket 

All Liturgical Ministers are called to be an example of:

          - Respect

          - Honor

          - Reverence