We are the people of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish, in Brook Park, Ohio, dedicated to following the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Scriptures and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We gather together to celebrate, to share, and to be nourished by the Eucharist. We promote religious education, spiritual growth and moral values by being faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. To show our love for God and one another, we live our lives committed to the dignity and salvation of each person, and we live our faith through compassion and service to those in need.




Because Fr. Michael will be on a pilgrimage beginning September 9, there will not be a daily Mass, Monday through Friday, during the weeks of September 9 and 16. The weekend schedule remains unchanged. Confession will be available on that Saturday at 3:30 as usual, and all three weekend Masses will be offered.

Weekday Masses (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) are at 8AM, Weekend Mass 4:30PM on Saturday evening, and Sunday morning at 9AM and 11AM.

Saturday 3:30-4:15PM and by appointment.   



THANK YOU for your generosity of time and treasure, you are advancing the Kingdom of God. Fr. Michael

If you are interested in our on-line giving, contact our parish office at 216.433.1440 and speak with Trish (x21), Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM.   





NEXT COMMUNITY MEAL  Join us for a free Brook Park Community Meal! It will be held Saturday, September 28, 1:00-3:00PM, in our McCafferty Hall, 6455 Engle Road, Brook Park. Brought to you by: Mary Queen of the Apostles, Brook Park Community Church of the Brethren, Redeemer Lutheran and United Methodist Church of Brook Park.



Due to unforeseen circumstances, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays will not be held during the month of September. You are welcome to pray in the church, which is open weekdays, 8:30-4PM (except on holidays), keeping in mind that Jesus is present 24/7 in the Holy Eucharist in the Tabernacle.


LIVE-STREAMING OF MASSES We will stream and upload the 8AM Masses on Monday and Tuesday mornings to enable our homebound to connect with the parish. For the rest of the week, EWTN telecasts a number of daily Masses, and our Cathedral streams its weekday Masses at 12N. On Sundays, besides the Masses on EWTN, Channel 43 (WUAB-TV) broadcasts two Masses: 8AM and 10AM from our Cathedral. We realize this will be an inconvenience to some folks, but we tried to reach a compromise based on our recent survey. Initially, one possibility was to cut the streaming entirely but we will not do that.


Here's the link to "Q-Tube":

We will also livestream these Masses on our parish Facebook page. You can view the video and other information on this page without being a Facebook member which you can access directly from our parish website mqabrookpark.org or Facebook:

About an hour after Mass concludes, the video will be uploaded to Q-Tube (our parish's YouTube channel). which you can access directly from our parish website: mqabrookpark.org or at "Q-tube" as shown above.

"Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-621009. All rights reserved."


Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4PM
Summer Hours 8:30AM-3PM

Phone: (216) 433-1440
Fax: (216) 433-1434
Email: mqabrookpark@gmail.com


  • Sun, Sep 15th

  • Sun, Sep 8th

From Fr. Michael


Brothers and Sisters,

There is a picture in my confessional (on the face-to-face side) of a little lamb, covered in mud, and lost in the woods. The timid creature stands in the full focus of the foreground, alone and scared. But in the blurry background is the figure of Jesus running to catch up with this stray.

The lamb is a reminder of who we are underneath the pride, bravado, and confusion of our sinfulness. Jesus is a reminder of his Father’s love, which compels him to run after us. It seems like a fitting image for the confessional. But, it depicts God’s overall mission as well—the Incarnation of Jesus—in how God comes after us.

We see this trait of God in today’s Gospel as Jesus travels through the Decapolis, a region of ten quasi-independent Greek city states to the east of Galilee and Samaria. The Jews living in this region were away from their homeland and so were alone among pagan cultures. The situation is a good analogy for our pilgrimage through the world.

Yet, Jesus does what God always does. He goes out with the Good News to those lost in the margins, bringing the life and love of God to those who have gone out too far… chasing after a lost and confused lamb, as it were. In this part of his ministry, Jesus brings salvation to the Jews in a foreign land and through them to the nations as well.

Reassured that God is always pursuing us, we are called to live as faithful disciples who share the good news of what God’s love compels him to do. Those living in the “Decapolis of the world” have no means of hearing the Good News unless we share it, or of experiencing God’s love unless we extend it.

***I will be away on a pilgrimage for the next ten days and am not excited to leave my new home, having only been here for two months. But, I am excited to pray for my new parish family at some of the most prominent Catholic sites of the Twentieth Century in Poland, Lourdes, and Fatima. Know that you will be on my heart and in my prayers.

There is an exciting Fall season of ministry ahead! I’m looking forward to enjoying it with you.

In amore Christi,

Fr. Michael



FORMED.ORG Picks of the Week:

A BIBLE STUDY ON THE ANNUNCIATION In this video, Dr. Ben Akers leads us through a brief study of Luke 1:26–38, highlighting some of the key Old Testament passages evoked by Gabriel’s words. The reflection concludes with some thoughts on how we can imitate Mary’s Yes in our own life, especially in this time of suffering.


JOHN CHRYSOSTOM | CATHOLIC SAINTS From Antioch, the political center of the fifth-century world, arose a golden-tongued preacher and bishop: St. John Chrysostom. Listen to Dr. Carl Vennerstrom and Mary McGeehan discuss the life and preaching of this great doctor of the Church who gave us countless powerful prayers and homilies.


THE EYES HAVE IT | BENJAMIN CELLO | EPISODE 2 Glow Worm is losing her glow, and her eyes are going with it! It’ll take the ministrations of mother and expert Lady Iris to help Glow Worm fix her eyes on Jesus and see with a heavenly perspective.


Our parish has a FORMED subscription. To set-up your free account, visit formed.org/signup and select our parish.  There are hundreds of free resources about the Catholic faith.



NEWS FROM AM 1260 THE ROCK!  Wondering what to do with your used car or truck? Donating your old vehicle to AM 1260 The Rock is easy, convenient, and may even qualify you for a tax deduction. Best of all, your donation of a used car or truck will make a significant difference in supporting AM 1260 The Rock spread The Good News! Why not donate your vehicle today? To learn more, visit am1260therock.com/car-donations or call 216.227.1260.

Catholic Charities

2024 Appeal




Classes are held Monday evenings  6:45-8:15pm (Sept-May)

Contact Trish Solon for more information

216-433-1440 x21


McCafferty Hall

The hall is used for parish functions and events, such as parish dinners sponsored by the Queen's cooks, Night at the Races sponsored by the Holy Name Society, and a Spring Salad Luncheon sponsored by the Ladies Guild.
McMcafferty Hall is not available or rented out for private functions.